In Transit to Nepal

My first warning is that I will publish a post-trip blog from my journal. Internet access is scarce and expensive, so I am trying to be as efficient as I can.

I ended up barely underneath the 32kg limit on bags (29.8 on one and 26.7 on the other). Of course, I am carrying some items for Pemba, so a good deal of the weight will be gone when we reach Kathmandu. Here is a pic of the gear that I packed for my 5 week excursion.

This all filled 2 very large expedition duffel bags and 2 carryons. Amazing amount of stuff!

Of course, a good portion of it (all the climbing gear) will only be used for about 2 days. It seems a shame to cart it all around for such little use, but I know I will be very, very glad I have it.

The departure from the Denver airport was interesting (I’ll definitely put more in the post-trip blog). I was struck with a very bad case of ‘nerves’ and had a difficult time keeping it under control. It was so unlike me…I have no idea where it came from.

The flight from Denver to London was uneventful, mainly because I slept the whole time (missing both dinner and breakfast). At Heathrow, I passed through customs, getting an odd look from the customs officer when I said I would be staying in England for all of 6 hours, and headed out to David’s flat. He generously offered his shower, couch and food supply when he found out that I had a 10 hour layover. He was not at home when I showed up, so his gracious wife, Angela, let me in and pointed me in the direction of the shower (she was nice enough not to say that I smelled bad). A shower, quick (unplanned) nap on the couch and then we were off to have dinner with Lee.

Lee lives in Newcastle and works 1 week a month in London. As this happened to be his London week and he lives near David, we all met for dinner. I had the traditional Fish & Chips with mushy peas and 2 pints of Guiness (extra cold). Before you knew it, it was time to head out so I could catch the flight to Bangkok. Another ride on the Tube and Heathrow Express, pick up one of my carryons at Left Luggage, pass through security and there I was.

I went to the gate to see if they could put be in a bulkhead seat (more leg room) and much to my surprise, they had upgraded me to full Business Class! I had a fully reclining (yes, totally flat) seat on the upper deck of a 747…I was going in STYLE! The food was great, the sleep was even better!

I arrived in Bangkok early in the afternoon, collected by bags and checked in at the airport hotel. Another quick shower, email session and dinner! E was scheduled to arrive about 11pm and I went over to the airport to meet her. Unfortunately, we missed each other there, and she had already grabbed a key, got into the room and taken a shower by the time I arrived back.

A restless night’s sleep, shower, repacking and breakfast.

Right now, E and I are in the Royal Orchid Lounge in the Bangkok Airport (one of the perks of flying Thai Airways Business Class). We have about an hour before we need to head out for our flight.
About time to head out for our flight to Kathmandu. Please keep us (and the other trekkers and support staff) in your thoughts and prayers. We are both pushing beyond what we have ever done before and need all the good energy we can get.



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